{{The second part of a two part poem... Read Gone before you read this one :) It'll be so much better for your mental if you do!}}
The wind is blowing
Bushes are rustling
A feeling of uneasiness
Encourages him to run away
He doesn't run though
For he doesn't give in to impulses.
He continues on at his lazy pace
Even though his uneasiness lingers still.
The wind blows
More rustling leaves,
And a girl runs past him
Seemingly fleeing from some terror or other
That has apparently seized her.
The girl halts, looking
Toward some shrubbery that she has run past
Stopping and turning back
The boy stares into the night
Looking for what she was running from
Seeing nothing.
He stands there a while,
Wondering what she was running from,
Not comprehending the girl's terrors.
When he turns back around the girl is gone,
Though he had not heard her take a single step.
He advances to the spot
Where he last saw the girl standing.
There is movement in the bushes
Into which the girl had been gazing.
Trembling, he steps closer,
Then the head of the girl
With a look of horror
Mixed with great terror on her face,
Rolls out from the bushes
And rests at his feet.
Suddenly recognizing the reason for his uneasiness,
He turns, intending to run,
And in front of him,
There is a lightless black void.
He screams, turns back,
Only to find the bush, wide open,
Suddenly, his scream ends,
As he is swallowed into the center of the bushes
Into an unending abyss
Gotta Live For Me! {a story}
Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was a "people pleaser"
personality. She was always striving to help people and to make everyone
else happy. S...
15 years ago