Thursday, May 4, 2006

What If?

What if I told you that I loved you?
Would you take my words to heart as true?
Or would you look at me with weary eyes
Because you've been fooled by another's lies?
Would you tell me you loved me too?
Or would I deduct that it's untrue
From a deafening silence after my admission
Because "her" actions & words have clouded your vision
And made you blind to what you can plainly see,
In turn, making you mistrustful of me
Torn by love's hurts, trying to move past it,
Instead, snapped back in by true love's elastic...
But what if I shower you with so much love that
Eventually, you'd regain your sight & see through her crap?
And what if my heart bleeds for you?
For all of your hurt, all that you've been through
The laughter, the tears, the ups & the downs,
The sorrow, the joy, the smiles turned to frowns...
What if I want to help you heal?
Bring you through the fog so you can finally FEEL
What if, together, we can erase all the bad?
What if I promise to never make you sad?
And if I vow this day to never let a rift
Come between us & this "thing" we have--- What if?