Longing to see you
Wanting your touch
Missing you so much it hurts
Envisioning your face, your features, your sexy body...
Feeling your lips against mine
Enjoying your hands against my body
Rubbing your back as we come together as one...
Feeling your thrusts
With you plunging deep inside of me
Biting your shoulder as you reach my core
Touching, HITTING, my g-spot just right
Sweating, creating heat friction between us...
Shuddering as I reach my pinaccle
Hearing your heavy breathing, "Ex-cla-ma-tion" as you reach yours
Heartbeats racing, slowing as we coast to a stop...
Catching our breath as we lay side by side
Falling asleep on your shoulder, wrapped in your arms
Blissfully satisfied, enveloped in our love...
Riding beside you as you drive
Stealing kisses at stoplights
Smiling the whole way home...
A kiss...
Walking inside my house
Waving goodbye to you, my love
Seeing you drive away...
...And the longing begins again...
Gotta Live For Me! {a story}
Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was a "people pleaser"
personality. She was always striving to help people and to make everyone
else happy. S...
15 years ago