I've had it with the games
You play on me all the time
I've had it with the sweet talk
I've had it with the lies
I've had it with hearing
"Baby you know I love you"
I've had it with daydreaming
And always thinking of you
I've had it with being exclusive
Of everyone but you
I've had it with forgiving
Every messed up thing you do
I've had it with the fact
That you're trying to use me
I've had it with the things you say
And do, cuz they confuse me
You tell me that you love me
So why don't we go out?
The games you're playing with me
Aren't what "love" is about
So, I've had it with your game-playing
I know that you're not true
I can tell you one more thing:
It's through, I've had it with you
Gotta Live For Me! {a story}
Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was a "people pleaser"
personality. She was always striving to help people and to make everyone
else happy. S...
15 years ago
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