Friday, August 19, 2005

So Now You Know

Today I saw you
And I just froze
Your simple presence
Curled my toes
I wanted to hug you
And squeeze you tight
Wrap your arms around me
To make everything all right
I looked into your eyes
It was then that I knew
Whatever the outcome
I had to tell you
It was kinda hard
To tell you this
But I figured that
It was worth the risk
So I came out with it
Told you how I feel
No ifs ands or buts
My feelings are real
Then you looked at me
And asked me why
I didn't just tell you...
"Well I'm kinda shy"
Then you sorta smiled
And said "okay"
And later gave me a hug
Before you went away
And I'm hoping now
A relationship will grow
My secret's out
So now you know

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