Monday, June 6, 2005

Love Is a Strong Word

Love this, love that
Love me, love you, love us
Love is all anyone talks about
Fillin my head up til it wants to bust
Can't you people see that
Love should be seen and not heard?
And most importantly, realize
That love is a strong word
It's used so freely nowadays
Doesn't mean much at all
For those three words --- "I LOVE YOU"
Are used just to end a phone call
Love isn't what it used to be
Before, it meant a lot
But now, it's used to lure, to bribe
To make people do things they normally would not
See, me, I don't trust people
That use love as a bribe
Because their "love" isn't true
They're like a cheater throwing a faithful vibe
Love sucks nowadays anyway
I'm surprised you haven't heard
But again I say, just realize
That love is a strong word

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